Demeterius Brown
County Director
Office Hours:
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Edgefield County DSS
120 W.A. Reel Drive
Edgefield, SC 29824
Mailing Address:
Edgefield County DSS
PO Box 644
Edgefield, SC 29824
Abuse and Neglect Reporting Hotline
To report known or suspected abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult, call the SCDSS 24/7 Abuse & Neglect Reporting Hotline:
1-888-CARE4US or 1-888-227-3487
Child Support Customer Service Portal
Telephone Numbers:
(803) 637-4040 Main
(803) 637-5230 Fax
(803) 384-4073 Director
(803) 785-2960 County Attorney, Lil Ann Gray, Esq., (Lexington County Legal - voicemail)
(888) 839-0159 Midlands Region Kinship Care
Submit SNAP/TANF verification information by fax or email:
(Must include SNAP/TANF case number.)
Please do not report abuse or neglect of a child or an adult through email. Use the intake number above to make an anonymous report.