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- Abbeville - 01/11/2024, 03/30/2018, 09/23/2016, 9/11/2015, 8/8/2014, 11/15/2012, 11/30/2007, 5/31/2005
- Adoption Services: Region II - 3/31/2009
- Adoption Services: Region IV - 2/1/2010
- Aiken - 08/28/2023, 03/26/2021, 08/25/2017, 09/16/2016, 10/30/2015, 8/22/2014, 8/31/2013, 1/31/2008, 4/1/2004
- Allendale - 07/24/2024, 9/26/2018, 11/08/2016, 11/13/2015, 11/14/2014, 6/30/2013, 8/1/2008, 2/28/2006
- Anderson - 02/02/2024, 04/12/2022, 05/02/2018, 10/21/16, 11/13/2015, 6/20/2014, 12/31/2013, 6/30/2009, 1/31/2007
- Bamberg - 7/20/2023, 3/01/2019, 5/26/2017, 10/28/16, 10/23/2015, 10/17/2014, 3/11/2013, 3/31/2008, 4/30/2005
- Barnwell - 12/14/2023, 4/9/2019, 9/30/16, 9/25/2015, 3/7/2014, 7/30/2012, 11/30/2007, 4/30/2005
- Beaufort - 08/12/2024, 08/02/2022, 05/14/2018, 6/17/2016, 8/21/2015, 7/18/2014, 11/15/2012, 5/30/2008, 4/28/2006
- Berkeley - 08/22/2024, 04/16/2021, 5/19/2017, 5/6/2016, 7/17/2015, 7/11/2014, 6/17/2013, 2/29/2008, 10/31/2004
- Calhoun - 08/2024, 10/17/2022, 11/13/2017, 7/1/2016, 8/8/2014, 11/30/2013, 11/1/2008, 7/31/2005
- Charleston - 09/30/2024, 12/06/2022, 07/10/2021, 12/01/2017, 3/11/2016, 12/31/2014, 1/14/2014, 9/30/2013, 5/21/2013, 11/15/2012, 2/29/2008, 6/30/2004
- Cherokee - 02/15/2024, 06/08/2022, 10/20/2017, 09/02/2016, 10/16/2015, 6/13/2014, 6/30/2012, 8/31/2007, 1/31/2005
- Chester - 12/1/2023, 08/26/2016, 10/16/2015, 4/4/2014, 4/1/2009, 4/28/2006
- Chesterfield - 01/28/2025, 06/09/2023, 11/13/20, 05/05/2017, 04/28/2017, 7/29/2016, 9/18/2015, 9/12/2014, 4/30/2010, 4/30/2007
- Clarendon - 02/11/2025, 05/19/2023, 04/3/2020, 02/24/2017, 1/22/2016, 10/10/2014, 3/21/2013, 6/30/2008, 11/30/2005
- Colleton - 10/11/2024, 11/18/2022, 07/01/2016, 9/4/2015, 2/7/2014, 8/1/2010, 7/31/2007, 08/15/2019
- Darlington - 02/07/2023, 11/11/2021, 02/16/2018, 12/02/16, 11/20/2015, 11/7/2014, 9/30/2013, 7/25/2008, 8/31/2005
- Dillon - 02/24/2025, 04/07/2023, 08/12/2016, 9/21/2015, 9/19/2014, 2/27/2012, 01/31/2007, 08/01/2003, 09/27/2019
- Dorchester - 10/23/2024, 09/15/2022, 10/09/2018, 04/29/2016, 07/10/2015, 06/13/2014, 05/31/2010, 04/30/2007, 07/31/2004
- Edgefield - 08/11/2023, 10/30/2020, 11/03/2017, 06/17/2016, 02/28/2014, 06/30/2009, 07/14/2006
- Fairfield - 10/13/2023, 10/15/2021, 05/12/2017, 07/22/2016, 09/11/2015, 06/27/2014, 02/28/2011, 04/30/2008, 07/31/2005
- Florence - 03/13/2025, 03/17/2023, 05/28/2021, 11/20/2017, 3/18/2016, 5/9/2014, 11/30/2013, 6/30/2007, 2/28/2005
- Georgetown - 03/13/2025, 06/30/2023, 06/24/2018, 11/04/2016, 11/20/2015, 6/6/2014, 1/1/2010, 8/31/2006
- Greenville - 03/01/2024, 07/14/2020, 07/21/2017 & 06/23/2017, 04/22/2016, 05/23/2014, 11/30/2013, 06/07/2013, 04/30/2008, 09/30/2007
- Greenwood - 03/14/2024, 07/07/2022, 06/19/2020, 10/06/2017, 05/27/2016, 8/14/2015, 02/28/2014, 08/01/2009, 09/30/2006
- Hampton - 11/07/2024, 10/13/2022, 05/10/2019, 12/16/16, 12/11/2015, 11/30/2014, 8/31/2013, 3/31/2006
- Horry - 05/01/02023, 12/15/2020, 09/22/2017, 03/25/2016, 04/11/2014, 10/31/2013, 01/31/2009, 12/31/2006
- IFCCS: Region II - 05/30/2009
- Jasper - 11/18/2024, 07/26/2021, 06/16/2017, 4/15/2016, 2/7/2014, 4/30/2009, 9/30/2006
- Kershaw - 08/31/2023, 07/30/2019, 10/14/16, 10/30/2015, 5/31/2014, 9/30/2011, 6/30/2008, 8/31/2005
- Lancaster - 10/01/2023, 05/1/2020, 3/10/17, 2/5/2016, 1/6/2014, 11/1/2009, 12/31/2006
- Laurens - 4/12/2024, 01/19/2022, 03/02/2018, 12/09/2016, 12/18/2015, 11/21/2014, 4/17/2013, 5/31/2008, 10/31/2005
- Lee - 07/13/2023, 08/13/2021, 12/08/2017, 4/15/2016, 3/21/2014, 5/31/2011, 7/31/2007, 12/31/2004
- Lexington - 09/18/2023, 05/18/2020, 3/24/17, 2/12/2016, 4/25/2014, 10/31/2013, 5/31/2011, 12/31/2007, 5/5/2004
- Marion - 06/16/2023, 04/27/2018, 6/3/2016, 8/21/2015, 3/21/2014, 7/1/2010, 2/28/2007
- Marlboro - 02/19/2025, 03/31/2023, 09/30/2021, 02/02/2018, 8/19/2016, 8/14/2015, 5/16/2014, 5/31/2009, 5/31/2006
- McCormick - 09/23/2023, 02/23/2018, 6/3/2016, 1/31/2014, 8/30/2009, 7/31/2006
- Newberry - 04/24/24, 04/30/2021, 06/02/2017, 05/26/17, 12/16/16, 12/18/2015, 12/12/2014, 12/31/2013, 2/1/2009, 11/30/2005
- Oconee - 05/07/24, 05/11/2022, 08/29/2018, 12/02/16, 12/11/2015, 7/25/2014, 4/30/2013, 10/1/2009, 11/30/2006
- Orangeburg - 12/11/2024, 11/04/2022, 08/12/2020, 10/13/2017, 3/4/2016, 6/5/2015, 3/7/2014, 3/1/2010, 8/31/2007
- Pickens - 05/28/24, 10/09/2020, 08/18/2017, 7/15/2016, 9/4/2015, 7/25/2014, 8/1/2010, 10/31/2006
- Richland - 10/30/2023, 05/30/2018, 5/20/2016, 7/24/2015, 4/18/2014, 10/31/2013, 8/17/2012, 6/30/2007, 3/1/2004
- Saluda - 08/03/2023, 07/30/2020, 07/28/2017, 4/1/2016, 1/31/2014, 12/31/2009, 6/30/2006
- Spartanburg - 06/13/2024, 02/16/2022, 03/16/2018, 06/24/2016, 08/7/2015, 08/15/2014, 02/14/2014, 07/31/2013, 11/30/2007, 10/31/2005
- Sumter - 05/26/2023, 10/11/2019, 11/18/2016, 12/4/2015, 10/24/2014, 05/21/2013, 09/12/2008, 01/31/2006
- Union - 06/27/2024, 06/15/2022, 06/12/2018, 09/23/2016, 09/18/2015, 04/04/2014, 10/1/2009, 9/29/2006
- Williamsburg - 05/05/2023, 02/11/2020, 04/10/2017, 02/10/2017, 01/15/2016, 09/26/2014, 11/15/2012, 08/31/2007, 03/31/2005
- York - 11/17/23, 11/23/20, 04/28/2017, 02/26/2016, 03/14/2014, 09/30/2013, 10/01/2008, 01/31/2006