Foster Home Placement Needs Reports

The Foster Home Placement Needs Report examines the characteristics of every child under the age of 18 that is currently in foster care. The characteristics that are considered include current placement, location of placement, child’s age, race, number of siblings, level of care as well as type of placement (kin, adoptive, foster). This data is compared to the current population of foster homes to determine the specific need for more homes.

Many important factors are considered by SCDSS in determining the number and types of foster placements that are needed to adequately care for child in the foster care system. Whenever possible, SCDSS places a child or sibling group with family members, or with close family friends, with whom they have established relationships. If they cannot be placed in kinship care, the goal is for them to be placed in family-like settings in their county of origin.


Interested in becoming a foster parent? Get Started!
To learn more about how you can make a difference in the life of a child in foster care, please click here.


Estimated Foster Family Placement Needs Reports


  1. Estimated Need for Family-Like Settings for Children and Youth with and without siblings.
  2. Estimated Need for Family-Like Settings for Children and Youth between 13 and 17 years of age by county of origin.
  3. Estimated Need for Family-Like Settings for Children and Youth under 18 years of age by county of origin.


Foster Home Supports Survey Results

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Best Outcomes for Children and Families

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