SNAP Employment and Training

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Employment and Training Program (E&T) is administered at the federal level by the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. In South Carolina, the SNAP E&T Program is also known as SNAP2WORK.

The SNAP E&T Program was created in 1987 to assist SNAP recipients who are able to work toward obtaining employment. The purpose of the E&T Program is to help individuals gain skills, training, work, or experience that will increase self-sufficiency.

SC Works Local Workforce Development Areas

Select a county below to view the contact information for the E&T coordinator in your area.

Oconee Pickens Anderson Greenville Spartanburg Cherokee York Chester Lancaster Kershaw Lee Sumter Calhoun Orangeburg Bamberg Barnwell Allendale Hampton Jasper Beaufort Charleston Dorchester Berkeley Georgetown Williamsburg Florence Darlington Dillon Marion Horry Chesterfield Marlboro Clarendon Colleton Union Laurens Abbeville Greenwood McCormick Edgefield Aiken Saluda Lexington Richland Newberry Fairfield
Local Workforce Development Area


E&T Coordinator

Tina Dent

Local Workforce Development Area

Upper Savannah

E&T Coordinator

Monica Smith

Local Workforce Development Area


E&T Coordinator

Angela Spears

Local Workforce Development Area


E&T Coordinator

Serbrena Young

Local Workforce Development Area


E&T Coordinator

Randy Sutton

Local Workforce Development Area

Lower Savannah

E&T Coordinator (Orangeburg)

Teresa Franklin

Local Workforce Development Area


E&T Coordinator

Roleesha Montgomery

Local Workforce Development Area

Pee Dee

E&T Coordinator (Darlington)

Local Workforce Development Area


E&T Coordinator

LaToya Frazier-Arroyo

Local Workforce Development Area


E&T Coordinator

Kara Heigert

E&T Coordinator

Presha Dennis

Local Workforce Development Area


E&T Coordinator

Beverly Owens

South Carolina E&T Program Description

Services are available to SNAP recipients seeking assistance with employment related training and job search assistance. There is no minimum participation requirement for these individuals.

SNAP recipients who are between the ages of 18 – 52 who do not have dependents are identified as Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDS). ABAWDS may also volunteer for the SNAP E&T Program in order to satisfy the work requirement for time-limited SNAP benefits.

The SNAP E&T Program activities include: Work Readiness Training, Education, Vocational Training, Work Experience, Workfare and Job Retention Services.

Services are provided by SCDSS Regional Employment and Training Coordinators as well as through partnerships with other state agencies, community-based organizations (CBOs) and other community partners. SNAP E&T also works with businesses that provide apprenticeships and on-the-job training opportunities.

Partnerships and collaborations include multiple technical colleges, state agencies such as South Carolina Department Of Employment and Workforce, SC Department of Education, and CBOs that offer employment and training services.

Interested organizations or businesses can send an email to SNAP2WORK@DSS.SC.GOV.

Click here to log into the South Carolina Comprehensive Employment & Training System (SCCETS) Provider Portal. Additional information about the SNAP Employment & Training Program is available below.

SNAP E&T-20-2024 Cumulative.png

Steps to becoming a Third-Party Reimbursement Partner
Provider handout - basic information about the Third Party Reimbursement program in SC
Federal Toolkit - detailed implementation guide
SNAP2Work Directory of Partners/Providers
FNS Memo - clarification on certain cost principles
OMB Circular A-87
OMB Circular A - 122

Indirect Cost Rate Certification
Voluntary Participation Agreement for SNAP Participants
SNAP2WORK Third Party Invoice (May 2015)
SNAP2WORK Third Party Invoice Instructions (May 2015)
Local Match Certification Form
Scope of Work Template
Budget Estimate

Employment & Training Program Manuals
SNAP2WORK TPRP Provider Handbook
Work Readiness Training Manual

SNAP Employment & Training Program (SNAP2WORK) Videos

SNAP E&T-Success Story

SNAP E&T Program Overview


 SC SNAP E&T State Plan

2025 SNAP E&T State Plan



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