TANF Child-Only Grants


If you are caring for a relative other than your child who is under the age of 18 (e.g., your grandchild, niece, nephew, sibling, or other qualifying relative by blood, marriage or adoption), you may qualify for federal TANF cash assistance on behalf of the child to help meet their basic needs.


As a caretaker relative, you have two options:

  1. You can choose to receive a TANF Child-Only grant for the child(ren) in your care. If you choose to receive benefits solely for the child(ren), your income and resources will not impact the TANF cash benefit amount for your household.  Certain income/benefits received for the child(ren) may be counted.
  2. You may also choose to receive benefits for yourself as well as the child(ren) in your care. If you choose to be in the TANF benefit group, your income, resources, and/or needs will be included when determining the TANF cash benefit amount for your household.


Children receiving kinship care payments, subsidized adoption or guardianship payments, foster care board payments, or SSI benefits, are not eligible for TANF benefits.


TANF applicants and recipients are required to cooperate with the Department on child support procedures as a condition of eligibility.


Adults who receive TANF cash assistance for themselves are provided case management and support services, as well as a variety of employment and training opportunities.  Unless exempt under state or federal rules, all adults are subject to TANF participation requirements and time limits.


The maximum monthly TANF grant amount is $229 for one child, $308 for two children, and $388 for three children.


To learn more about the TANF program, click here

To apply for benefits online, please visit the DSS Benefits Portal.  You may also apply in person at your local county DSS office.


You may apply for SNAP and/or TANF benefits online, submit your completed application form in the secure, outside drop box at any county office, mail or fax your application.

  • To apply online, please visit the DSS Benefits Portal
  • If you need an application or a renewal form mailed to you, please call 1-800-616-1309.


Reporting Changes, Submitting Verification, and Submitting Renewal Forms for SNAP and/or TANF

You may report changes, submit requested verification, or submit renewal/redetermination forms for SNAP and/or TANF benefits by submitting information in the following ways:

  • By mail;
  • By faxing your local county office. Click here to find your county's SNAP/TANF fax number. 
  • By emailing your local county office. Click here for a listing of county email addresses. 
  • By submitting information in the secure, outside drop box at any county office.

 Download your Change Report Form in English and Spanish

To report a change or inquire on the status of your SNAP and/or TANF case via telephone, please call 1-800-616-1309.


How does DSS help?

Low-income families, whether the household has one parent or two parents, may be eligible for these services.

Families enrolled in the program are offered employment training and placement, childcare and transportation while in employment training, and a monthly stipend all designed to help parents get back to work and maintain self-sufficiency.

A caseworker is assigned to each family, who will offer assessments to see if additional screenings or services are required and will work with families to design a plan to ensure family stability within 24 months.

How to Apply

Report A SNAP/TANF Change

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Child Welfare Services Transformation

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..