Search Results

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Showing results to 271 to 280.

    SC SNAP Education Program
    The SC SNAP Education Program (SC SNAP-Ed) provides a combination of nutrition education, health promotion, and policy, system, and environmental support to low-income communities to improve the likelihood that families ...

    SNAP Outreach
    The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Outreach Program provides application assistance and presentations to individuals and community groups who may be eligible to participate in the SNAP Program. Presen...

    Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
    What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program? Providing better nutrition and making care affordable are the goals of this federally funded program. The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) reimburses child care c...

    Afterschool Meals Program
    The Afterschool Meals Program provides reimbursement to after school care organizations to ensure that each child participating in their program receives a healthy, nutritious snack. School-aged children between the ages o...

    Employer Services and Workforce Development
    DSS works to support business owners who hire DSS program participants entering the workforce. When you hire our customers, you become eligible for a variety of benefits, incentives and supports designed to meet your spec...

    Employer Tax Credits
    Employers who hire TANF participants may qualify for state and federal tax credits. South Carolina Tax Credit for Employers Qualifying employers may receive basic credit amount equal to: 20% of wages paid to such employe...

    Work Programs
    The SCDSS Employment Services Division continues to help thousands of South Carolinians find employment, so they can support themselves and their families without having to rely on government assistance. Each year DSS help...

    SNAP Employment and Training
    South Carolina E&T Program Description Services are available to SNAP recipients seeking assistance with employment related training and job search assistance. There is no minimum participation requirement for these in...

    TANF Work Program
    The Department of Social Services offers families in crisis temporary financial assistance through its TANF program. In order to help families regain financial independence, DSS may require TANF recipients to participate in ...

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Child Welfare Services Transformation

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..