News Post

SCDSS Celebrates Child and Adult Care Food Program Week

Contact: Tiffiney Paschal


SCDSS Celebrates Child and Adult Care Food Program Week

March 11, 2024 - The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), a federally-funded program operated by the South Carolina Department of Social Services’ (SCDSS) Division of Early Care and Education, is celebrating healthy food and nutrition during CACFP Week, held March 10th-16th. CACFP strives to combat hunger and promote better nutrition in South Carolina by reimbursing child care centers, adult care centers, child care homes, afterschool programs, and emergency shelters that serve USDA-qualified healthy meals and snacks.

Between October 2022 and September 2023, CACFP served more than 16 million meals in participating child and adult care centers and reimbursed more than $37 million to participating child and adult care providers in South Carolina. On average, more than 39,000 of the state’s children and adults are served daily through CACFP.

“CACFP matters because it helps programs improve the quality of care provided to enrolled participants,” said CACFP Director Mary Abney-Young. “Children and adults are given an opportunity to eat a variety of nutritious foods which is essential to a healthy diet. Maintaining a healthy diet along with physical activity can greatly reduce the chances of developing chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.”

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the Academy of National and Dietetics,

CACFP plays a significant role in well-being of low-income children and their families. The study found that meals provided by CACFP-participating child care programs contribute to improved food security, early childhood health, and a reduction in hospital admissions from emergency departments.

This year, the CACFP Week theme is Taste the Rainbow, and CACFP will present a daily challenge to encourage participating providers and the public to incorporate colorful fruits and vegetables into their meals and snacks.


  • March 11 – Build a Rainbow (#BuildARainbow) Participants will create meals or snacks that contain colors from the rainbow throughout CACFP Week. Each day of the week will represent a color from the rainbow. The Rainbow Colors of the Day to incorporate in their meals and snacks are red and pink.
  • March 12 – Guess the Scent (#GuesstheScent) Participants will play a game that uses their sense of smell to identify five different colorful fruits or vegetables without looking. The Rainbow Colors of the Day to incorporate in their meals and snacks are orange and yellow.
  • March 13 – Show What You Know (#ShowWhatYouKnow). Participants will demonstrate their knowledge of the CACFP by answering questions pertaining to nutritious food options. Members will receive a Gold Star of Excellence and be added to the Eating the Rainbow Hall of Fame. The Rainbow Color of the Day to incorporate in their meals and snacks is white.
  • March 14 – Farm Fresh (#FarmFresh) Participants will connect with a local farmer to bring in SC Farm to School Palmetto Pick of the Month (lettuce) and create a nutritious meal or snack. The Rainbow Color of the Day to incorporate in their meals and snacks is green.
  • March 15 – Hail to the Kings and Queens (#HailToTheKings&Queens) Today’s rainbow colors represent loyalty and royalty. To celebrate incorporating colorful foods throughout CACFP Week, participants will receive a paper crown. Rainbow Colors of the Day to incorporate in their meals and snacks are blue and purple. 

The daily challenges will be highlighted on the SCDSS Facebook and Twitter pages. The agency will also share testimonies from organizations about the positive impact CACFP has made in their programs.

To learn more about CACFP, visit




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