Getting Licensed

When SCDSS becomes involved with a child and identifies a kinship caregiver, that caregiver may be able to become licensed as a kinship foster parent if eligibility requirements are met. To become licensed kinship caregivers, the foster care line must be open to begin the process. In most cases, the licensing processes takes up to 60-90 days. There are also some licensing requirements SCDSS can waive for kinship foster care.

As a licensed kinship foster parent, caregivers have greater support and that can make placement more stable for the child:

  • A licensed kinship foster parent will receive the benefits and services that other foster parents receive.
  • Those benefits include monthly board payments.
  • Licensed kinship foster parents also receive training and case management support to help with meeting the child’s needs and working with the child’s parents.

For more information about eligibility for licensing, contact the DSS case manager assigned. Kinship Caregivers will then be referred to a Kinship Care Coordinator and/or the Regional Kinship Licensing office to start the licensing process. If a kinship caregiver does not want to become licensed as a kinship foster parent, or if eligibility requirements aren’t met, legal custody or adoption may be an option. you may be offered legal custody of the child.

For additional information, please review the Kinship Foster Care Brochure

“The change in her since she came into our care is miraculous. To see her smiles and her new accomplishments makes it all worth it.” - Kim Hall

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Child Welfare Services Transformation

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