Post Adoption Services

Post Adoption Records Request

If you were adopted through the South Carolina Foster Care System (DSS, The Children’s Bureau, etc) and are over the age of 21, you are eligible to request a copy of your finalized adoption record. Please note that we cannot provide original birth certificates.  South Carolina Department of Social Services does not have private adoption records. 

Please note: South Carolina is a closed adoption state, so therefore you may see some items have been redacted. South Carolina law prohibits the release of identifying information, including but not limited to names and geographic designations, possibly also redacting names of birth parents or perhaps others living in the home at the time.  All redacted records are  made directly from the record on file with DSS.  As you read the information, please keep in mind that the information provided by the client was accepted as accurate and current information.  Some of this information can be very sensitive in nature and may be new information for you.  For some recipients of information, it can be stressful or even a painful experience to go back through the history of a family in crisis or in need of assistance from our agency.

Also please note that some comments made by those who made record may have included the type of comments that would not be made in modern times, and they usually reflect the attitudes of the individual and social time period. The agency can assume no responsibility for the personal comments and/or remarks made by those workers many years, or decades ago. 




Reunion Registry

If you are an adoptee who is 21 years or older, a birth parent whose child was adopted through DSS, or a sibling to an adoptee, you may contact DSS to begin the process to request that your name be entered onto the registry.  You will be sent a form to complete, please note that it must be notarized, and send back. If a match is made, you will be contacted with guidance on how to proceed.


Adoption Reunion Registry Brochure

HIPPA form

Application for Post Legal Services

Adoption Reunion Register – Adult Adoptee

Adoption Reunion Register – Bio Parent

Adoption Reunion Register – Sibling


Where to submit requests:

DSS-State Office Adoption
PO Box 1520
Columbia SC 29204



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Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..