
When reunification or guardianship with kinship caregivers is not possible, public adoption is a beautiful way to provide a family for a child who needs a forever home. Making sure children are in safe, loving and permanent families is an important way DSS strengthens families in South Carolina. 


There are hundreds of children of all ages in South Carolina in need of a forever home. That’s hundreds of conversations over breakfast, hundreds of birthday parties and hundreds of goodnight hugs that could take shape around hundreds of new friends.

Are you interested in public adoption?
What is in your heart?

 To become an adoptive parent you:

  • Can be married, single or divorced. 
  • May or may not have other children.
  • Can own your own home or rent.
  • Can work full time.
  • Must be at least 21.
  • Must be a resident of the State of South Carolina.
  • Must be able to meet the financial and emotional needs of your own family.

 Essentially, if you are stable and can provide a child with the love, as well as the support he or she needs, you may be a candidate to become an adoptive parent.

 Things to think about when considering public adoption:

  • Am I secure and satisfied with my life and family as they are now?
  • Do I have a good support system—friends and family that can help me out when I need it?
  • Can I be flexible in coping with surprises and unexpected situations?
  • Can I wait for a child to return my love?
  • Can I feel comfortable with the fact that my child may want to talk with me about their biological parents, as well as others who have cared for them in the past?

 All families must have an approved adoptive home study to adopt a South Carolina foster child. If you do not yet have an approved home study and would like to learn more, or begin the process, please click here.


Meet the Children!

The DSS Public Adoption Portal features all children in South Carolina with a plan of Adoption, who do not have an identified forever home.

DSS Public Adoption Portal

The Heart Gallery page features South Carolina’s legally-free children.
Heart Gallery

Adopt US Kids is the nation’s only federally funded photo listing service that connects waiting children and families. Children from all over the nation are featured on this page.
Adopt US Kids



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Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..