Michelle H. Class Action Lawsuit

Child Welfare Reform

As part of its reform efforts, SCDSS entered into a Final Settlement Agreement regarding the Michelle H., et.al. federal class action lawsuit and has committed to short-term, intermediate, and long-term systemic improvements for children in foster care. An Interim Relief Order was issued on September 28, 2015 and the Final Settlement Agreement was approved on October 4, 2016. Links to these orders are contained herein:

Workload Implementation Plan

Placement Implementation Plan

Visitation Implementation Plan

Healthcare Implementation Plan

Out of Home Abuse and Neglect (OHAN) Implementation Plan


Monitoring Reports

Co-monitors issue periodic reports that reflect the SC Department of Social Service's performance on the Settlement Agreement. The reports, linked below, have been filed with the SC Supreme Court. 





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Child Welfare Services Transformation

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..