Child Support Customer Service Portal
Introducing the new customer service portal.
It is a mobile version that can be accessed on your phone. Users can look at their case information, check appointment times, update basic information, view payment histories, and generate statements. Please watch the below video for a step-by-step guide on using the portal.
To send us an e-mail message, please complete the form below and click 'Send Message'.
If you are making an inquiry into your child support case, please provide us with as much information as possible, such as case number, date of birth, children's names, etc. Please bear in mind that all information submitted by this form is not encrypted and could be intercepted during transmission. If you do not feel comfortable transmitting this information via the internet, you may contact our Child Support Call Center at 1-800-768-5858.
You may submit information anonymously regarding the location of a noncustodial parent by choosing 'Anonymous Tip' as the subject. Please provide as much information as possible.
If you wish to provide information regarding child abuse, please click here.
State Contact Information
Our Customer Service Center is available to all customers with child support cases serviced by the DSS Child Support Services Division and all private cases enforced by the Clerks of Court. The Customer Service Center provides:
● Live agents to answer your questions Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., excluding state holidays.
● Self-service options are available 24 hours a day including information on
- Payments
- Scheduled appointments
- Scheduled hearings or conferences
- Enforcement actions
Call 800-768-5858 to set up your access to the State Disbursement Unit’s interactive voice response system (IVR) using your Member ID. Your Member ID is provided on correspondence and can be obtained by calling the CSC.
Customer Service Center
Child Support Services Division P.O. Box 1469 Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Phone: 1.800.768.5858
Regional Contact Information
The four Regional Offices of the Child Support Services Division (CSSD) are responsible for all paternity establishment and support order establishment and enforcement. All Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cases in South Carolina are automatically referred to the CSSD for child support services. In addition, the CSSD receives applications for child support services from custodial parents not receiving public assistance. Federal regulations also encourage the CSSD to receive applications from non-custodial parents for the purposes of establishing paternity and reviewing any existing child support order for appropriate modifications. Cases are assigned to one of our four Regional Offices for all establishment and enforcement activity based on where the non-custodial parent lives. If the non-custodial parent lives in another state, the case is assigned to a Regional Office based on where the custodial parent lives. This method of assignment ensures that jurisdictional issues are satisfied and that enforcement remedies comply with state and federal law. Each Regional Office is staffed with very capable attorneys and child support specialists who employ a full range of procedures and remedies. You may contact the Branch or Unit you need at the address or phone number listed below. You may also send us an E-mail message. If you do not know the Regional Office assigned to your case, you may contact our Customer Service Center and they will be able to assist you. Before contacting us, please be sure to visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page.
REGIONAL OFFICESMidlands Regional Office
Aiken, Bamberg, Barnwell, Chester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster, Lexington, McCormick, Richland, Saluda, YorkMailing Address
Child Support Services
Columbia Regional Office
P.O. Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Fax: 803.898.9465
Physical Address
3150 Harden Street Extension
Columbia, SC 29203-6856
Pee Dee Regional Office
Chesterfield, Clarendon, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Sumter, WilliamsburgMailing Address
Child Support Services
P.O. Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Fax: 843.413.6512 or 6513
Physical Address
2120 W. Jody Rd - Suite D
Florence, SC 29501-2008
Lowcountry Regional Office
Allendale, Beaufort, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Hampton, Jasper, OrangeburgMailing Address
Child Support Services
P.O. Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Fax: 843.953.9155
Physical Address
3346 Rivers Avenue - Suite E
North Charleston, SC 29405-5715
Upstate Regional Office
Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg, UnionMailing Address
Child Support Services
P.O. Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Fax: 864.282.4634
Physical Address
714 N. Pleasantburg Drive - Suite 200
Greenville, SC 29607-1640
Tax Intercept and Special Collections UnitChild Support Services Division
Special Collections Unit
PO Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Phone: 1.800.922.0852 FREE or 803.898.9314Child Support Services Division
Central Parent Locate Service
PO Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Phone: 1.800.768.5858 FREE
Child Support Services Division
New Hire Reporting Program
PO Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Phone: 1.888.454.5294 FREE, or 803.898.9235
Child Support Services Division
Financial Institution Data Match Program
PO Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Phone: 1.800.922.0852 FREE, or 803-898-9314
Child Support Services Division
Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgments
PO Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
Phone: 803.898.9137 or 1.866.914.8786
Click here to email us.