How to Report Abuse & Neglect





To report suspected Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult (18 years or older) in a community setting such as the adult’s home, call 1-888-CARE4US (1-888-227-3487).

Each report is assessed to determine if it meets all 4 of these elements:

  1. The adult must meet the legal definition of vulnerable
  2. There must be an allegation of abuse, neglect and exploitation
  3. The abuse or neglect must have occurred in the community
  4. The abuse or neglect was at the hands of a caregiver or the vulnerable adult themselves.


Who Should Report?

South Carolina law requires certain professionals to report suspected cases of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of vulnerable adults.  The following professionals are mandated reporters of adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation:

  • Physician
  • Nurse
  • Dentist
  • Optometrist
  • Medical Examiner
  • Coroner
  • Other Medical, Mental Health or Allied Health Professional
  • Christian Science Practitioner
  • Religious Healer
  • School Teacher
  • Counselor
  • Psychologist
  • Mental Health Specialist
  • Intellectual Disability Specialist
  • Social Worker
  • Public Assistance Worker
  • Caregiver, Staff or Volunteer of an adult day care center or of a facility
  • Law Enforcement Officer having reason to believe that a vulnerable adult has been or is likely to be abused, neglected, or exploited.  

Any other person not listed above who has reason to believe that a vulnerable adult has been or may be abused, neglected, or exploited may report the incident.

If you have witnessed abuse or neglect, call law enforcement immediately.

To report suspected Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult, call  1-888-CARE4US (1-888-227-3487) or click here to make a report online.


Who do I contact to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation?

If you or your loved one...

  • Live in a licensed nursing home, community residential care facility, or assisted living facility, call the Long Term Care Ombudsman at 1 (800) 868-9095.
  • Live in a residential facility contracted or operated by the Department of Mental Health or Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, call the SLED Special Victims Unit, at 1 (866) 200-6066.
  • Live at home or in the community, call Adult Protective Services at DSS at 1 (888) 227-3487.
  • Have been affected by Identity Theft and/or Scams, call the Department of Consumer Affairs at 1 (800) 922-1594.

If you or your loved one are in immediate danger or harm, please call your local law enforcement agency or 911.

To report suspected Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult, call  1-888-CARE4US (1-888-227-3487) or click here to make a report online.

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