Quality Assurance

This page provides information on the different types of reviews conducted by the DSS Quality Assurance Team. The Quality Assurance/CQI Team also provide resources on the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) process. Access Children’s Bureau guidance and announcements, state-specific CFSR information, the E-Learning Academy (ELA), and the Online Monitoring System (OMS) at https://www.cfsrportal.acf.hhs.gov/.

Child Welfare Reviews

The Office of Agency Quality Assurance and CQI reviews each region every other year. During these reviews, four foster care and six family preservation cases are reviewed. Case managers, supervisors, parents, foster parents, children (who are age and developmentally appropriate) and other key case participants are interviewed. Reports from the outcomes of the reviews are posted to the agency website. At the conclusion of the reviews, each county participates in a debriefing with their Regional Quality Assurance Manager to go over their results. 

Michelle H Reviews

QA reviewers participate in data collection for Out-of-Home Abuse and Neglect (OHAN) cases to ensure the investigations were initiated timely, contact was made with core witnesses, any unfounded decisions were appropriate, and the investigation was closed in a timely manner. These reviews occur twice a year and about 50 to 60 cases are viewed.

QA reviewers also participate in Core Witness Reviews. These reviews are on a sample of OHAN cases in which at least one Class Member was involved to ensure that contact was made with all core witnesses in the OHAN investigation. These reviews occur monthly and about 40 cases are reviewed each time. 

Adult Protective Services Intake Reviews

In partnership with Adult Advocacy, leadership from QA worked to develop a new Intake review tool. The purpose of the reviews is to assess the intake process to ensure that proper factors were used in the decision-making process and the appropriate response was provided. These reviews will take place three times a year, and about 100 cases will be reviewed each time. 

Child Welfare Strategic Reviews of New Case Managers

The research and evaluation section of our unit spearheads a collaborative Level 5 training evaluation. As part of the evaluation, case managers who have been working for one-year post certification training, will have one case selected for review. During this review, only the case manager will be interviewed using the standard CFSR instrument. The data from this review will be used to inform needed training revisions and to help support new case managers in their daily work. This evaluation will also assess how case managers use the Guiding Principles and Standards (GPS) practice model in their daily casework. More information on the Level 5 Evaluation is described in the "Research and Evaluation" tab.

Safety Reviews

This is an upcoming partnership with the Office of Safety Management to ensure cases are being assessed properly using the Family Advocacy and Support Tool (FAST) and the Child and Adult Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment tool. More details to follow. 


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Child Welfare Services Transformation

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..