Other Resources & Helping Agencies for SC Families

Other Resources & Helping Agencies for SC Families

These external links provide information and resources consistent with the SC Department of Social Services' (SCDSS's) intended purpose of connecting individuals and families to needed resources. SCDSS cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided on these sites and linking to a non-dss.sc.gov webpage does not constitute an endorsement by SCDSS. Please be aware that SCDSS's Privacy/Nondiscrimination Protection may not be applicable at the external link.

Statewide Assistance Search Portals
  • SC 211 Find help with employment, food, healthcare, rent/shelter/utility bill assistance and more. 
    • Local residents can dial 211 from a landline or mobile phone to connect with a United Way agent for information or assistance. 
    • Text "DSS" to 211211 for a menu of DSS programs and services.
  • SC Parents Search and connect to support for financial assistance, food pantries, medical care and other free or reduced-cost help.
  • SC Thrive One-stop shop to find resources, get access to public assistance benefits and help completing applications.

Adult Protection/Adult Advocacy


Child Support Services


Child Care and Early Education


Child Protection and Well-Being


Disabilities and Special Needs


Domestic Violence Prevention

CASA/Family Systems
Hopeful Horizons 
Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons
Family Justice Center
Laurens County Safe Home
Meg’s House
My Sister’s House
Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Assault
Safe Harbor
SAFE Homes – Rape Crisis Coalition
Safe Passage Inc.
YWCA of the Upper Lowlands

Emergency Preparedness


Employment Services
Fatherhood Programs
  • Midlands Fatherhood Coalition (Aiken, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Clarendon, Edgefield, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lee, Lexington, McCormick, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland, Saluda, Sumter)


Food Assistance


Health Care


Internet/Broadband Service


Legal Services
Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse Prevention






Veterans Services


Family Resource Centers (May vary in the services and resources they provide.)


(This webpage was last updated 05/20/24.)

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Child Welfare Services Transformation

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..