Office of Inspector General (OIG)

Click HERE to Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse Online

FRAUD Email Address:
FRAUD Hotline Number:  1-800-694-8518 or 803-898-8005 (Press Option 2)
FRAUD Address:  South Carolina Department of Social Services

Office of Inspector General
1628 Browning Rd. Suite 200-2
Columbia, SC 29210



Office of Inspector General

The skilled professionals of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) are dedicated to driving continuous improvement within the South Carolina Department of Social Services by promoting its mission.

It is our mission to protect the integrity of SCDSS by investigating allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse that adversely impact the Department and the State of South Carolina. The OIG accomplishes this mission and the mission of the Department by coordinating its efforts in the following ways: 


Investigations Unit

The Investigations Unit consists of Special Agents who are certified law enforcement officers with full powers of arrest. They are responsible for conducting criminal investigations into allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse of programs administered by the Department. Investigative Services also conducts investigations into the Department’s operations, to include misconduct by employees, contractors, and vendors. To facilitate and encourage the reporting of potential wrongdoing involving Department programs, the Investigations Unit is also responsible for monitoring the Fraud Hotline.


Criminal Records Unit

To protect the children of this state, the Criminal Records Unit conducts SLED/FBI fingerprint-based criminal background investigations to determine if an applicant(s) can foster a child, adopt a child, and work with children in a child care or group home setting. This unit also processes SLED name-based criminal background checks on foster family and adoption applicants for DSS and licensed child placing agencies. The National Crime Information Center's National Sex Offender Registry searches are also processed on child care employees. In addition, the unit conducts background investigations on employees and contractors who have access to federal tax information.


Emergency Management and Disaster Services

During an emergency or disaster, such as a hurricane or ice storm, the Department provides immediate support to South Carolina citizens. Emergency Management and Disaster Services coordinates the Department’s response to ensure minimal disruption of services in the aftermath of a disaster and provide social services or benefits to qualifying families. The Department also offers disaster preparedness information and training throughout the year for foster parents, group home staff, and child care providers in South Carolina. For more information click here:


Points of Contact

Inspector General
Sean Fay, Inspector General      
Office (803) 898-8017

Investigative Services
Jeremy Days, Special Agent in Charge
Office  (803) 898-7604

Criminal Records Unit
Eva C. Gourdine, Director
Office (803) 898-8019

Ashley Bambach (Child Care Background Investigations)
Office (803) 898-8009

Richard E. Williams (Foster Family, Adoption, Group Home, and Federal Tax Information Background Investigations)
Office (803) 898-7071

Emergency Management and Disaster Services
Robert Burress, Program Manager
Office (803) 898-1573

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Child Welfare Services Transformation

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..