Regional Managing Attorneys

Upstate region

Samuel Weldon - Regional Managing Attorney

Address:352 Halton Rd Suite 100 Greenville SC 29607

Contact: Phone: (864) 313-9973

Circuits: 7, 8, 10, 13

Counties: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Greenwood, Greenville, Laurens, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg

Midland Region

Jonathan A. Neal-Regional Managing Attorney

Address: 1638 Browning Rd Columbia, SC 29210

Contact: Phone: 864-293-8246

Circuits: 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 16

Counties: Aiken, Bamberg, Barnwell, Fairfield, Chester, Edgefield, Kershaw, Lancaster, Lexington, Marion, McCormick, Richland, Saluda, Union, York

Low Country Region

Regina Parvin - Regional Managing Attorney

Address:3685 Rivers Ave Suite 101 N. Charleston, SC 29405 Phone: 843-953-3713

Circuits:1, 9, 14

Counties: Allendale, Beaufort, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Hampton, Jasper, Orangeburg

Pee Dee region

Laura Bardsley - Regional Managing Attorney

Address: 713 S. Parsonage St. PO Drawer 120 Bennettsville, SC 29512

Contact: Phone: (843) 544-4021

Circuits:3, 4, 12, 15

Counties: Clarendon, Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Sumter, Williamsburg

Dennis Gmerek Managing Attorney - County Operations

1535 Confederate Avenue
Columbia, SC 29202

Ph: (803) 260-7649

Robert Cone
Assistant Managing Attorney-County Operations

1118 Phoenix Street
Greenwood, SC 29649

Ph: 803-924-0787

Kathryn Walsh
Regional Senior Trial Attorney, Upstate

630 Chesnee Highway
Spartanburg, SC 29303

Ph: 803-280-0383

Rebecca Farmer
Regional Senior Trial Attorney, Midlands

1628 Browning Rd.
Columbia, SC 29210

Ph: 803-542-3342

Sally Dey
Regional Senior Trial Attorney, Low Country

3685 Rivers Ave., Ste 101
N. Charleston, SC 29405

Ph: 843-953-9286

Kelly Galley
Regional Senior Trial Attorney, Pee Dee

9630 Scipio Lane, Office A139, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Ph: 843-915-4869
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