Foster care is a temporary home when children and youth cannot safely remain in their homes due to neglect and abuse. The agency’s greatest need for foster parents are those willing to care for teenagers. To learn how you can become a foster parent, click here
Permanency Options: KinGAP
Kinship guardianship can be a permanency option for a child or youth in kinship foster care when reunification with the child’s parents or permanency through adoption is not feasible. To learn more about permanency options, click here
Child Only TANF
If you are caring for a relative other than your child who is under the age of 18, you may qualify for federal TANF cash assistance on behalf of the child to help meet their basic needs. Learn more and apply here
SNAP/TANF Realtime Notifications
Did you know that online SNAP benefits applicants can now receive real time application and case status notifications? South Carolina DSS has made accessing benefit information even easier. Visit the DSS Benefits Portal for detailed instructions on how to use your email address and/or phone number to subscribe to application and case status notifications, including interview updates.
Good news! The Child Support Customer Service Portal gives parents a secure way to apply for child support and access important case information – any time, any day!
Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..