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The Process

A child enters foster care when they can no longer live safely at home and there is no relative or kin to care for them. Foster care is a temporary family or group home, licensed by DSS, where children can live safely and peacefully while parents…

History of Chafee Program

History of the Chafee Program The journey to adulthood is a critical transition for youth in foster care. It is a time when young adults learn to take on the primary responsibility for their futures and the accompanying concerns of employment,…

Planning for the Future

Planning for the Future How to Plan for the Future Becoming a teenager and navigating adulthood is fun and challenging for everyone. We are here to provide additional support to help youth get where she/he want to be while enjoying the journey…


General Parenting Myths about Foster Care Foster Parent Handbook, 2020 Resources for Foster Parents, Child Welfare Information Gateway Helping Children in Foster Care Transition to Child Care South Carolina Voucher…

South Carolina Assistance Benefits

SOUTH CAROLINA DSS ADOPTIONASSISTANCE BENEFITS DSS will provide adoption assistance benefits to families who complete a public or private domestic adoption if the child meets the eligibility criteria.  Depending on the type of adoption that a…


How do I maintain my license? Foster parents are required to renew their foster home license every two years. The renewal process requires DSS to gather updated information on the foster family and the home. The assigned DSS…


What are the steps to becoming a foster parent? You can complete the initial application online, and Heartfelt Calling will follow up with you to explain some of the additional requirements of the licensing process. Or, you…


Foster Care Events at End of Fiscal Year and Licenses (XLS) Foster Care Statistics (XLS) Children Receiving Foster Care Services Educational Services for Foster Children IFCCS Placements by Level of Care ISCEDC Eligible Youth by FY Number…


Completed Adoptions and TPRs SFY 2022-2023 Annual Adoption Subsidy CHART SFY2022-2023 Children Receiving Adoption Subsidy CHART SFY2022-2023 Children Legally Freed and Adopted-SFY2022-2023 Months to Adoption-SFY2022-2023 Disruption Rate SFY…

Child Welfare Services Transformation

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy.