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    CPSI Intake Decisions for FY-2015 revised CPSI Maltreatment Types Founded for FY (XLS) Ages of Children in Founded Investigations (XLS) CPS Treatment Services at FY End (XLS) Central Registry Checks 5-Yr History CPS Refer...

    CPSI Intake Decisions for FY (XLS) CPSI Maltreatment Types Founded for FY (XLS) Ages of Children in Founded Investigations (XLS) CPS Treatment Services at FY End (XLS) Central Registry Checks 5-Yr History CPS Referrals fo...

    CPSI Intake Decisions for FY (XLS) CPSI Maltreatment Types Founded for FY (XLS) Ages of Children in Founded Investigations (XLS) CPS Treatment Services at FY End (XLS) Central Registry Checks 5-Yr History CPS Referrals fo...

    CPSI Intake Decisions for FY (XLS) CPSI Maltreatment Types Founded for FY (XLS) Ages of Children in Founded Investigations (XLS) CPS Treatment Services at FY End (XLS) Central Registry Checks 5-Yr History CPS Referrals fo...

    CPSI Intake Decisions for FY (XLS) CPSI Maltreatment Types Founded for FY (XLS) Ages of Children in Founded Investigations (XLS) CPS Treatment Services at FY End (XLS) Central Registry Checks 5-Yr History CPS Referrals fo...

    CPSI Intake Decisions for FY (XLS) CPSI Maltreatment Types Founded for FY (XLS) Ages of Children in Founded Investigations (XLS) CPS Treatment Services at FY End (XLS) Central Registry Checks 5-Yr History CPS Referrals fo...

    CPSI Intake Decisions for FY (XLS) CPSI Maltreatment Types Founded for FY (XLS) CPS Treatment Services at FY end (XLS) Central Registry Checks CPS Referrals for Investigation CPS Treatment Cases Out of Home Abuse and Negl...

    CPSI Intake Decisions for FY (XLS) CPSI Maltreatment Types Founded for FY (XLS) Central Registry Checks CPS Referrals for Investigation CPS Treatment Cases Out of Home Abuse and Neglect Referrals CPS Treatment Services at...

    Reports by State Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30) CPS Intake Decisions For SFY2023-2024 Maltreatment Types Substantiated in CPS Investigations SFY 2023-2024 Children in Substantiated CPS Investigations during SFY2023-2024 b...

    Foster Care/Licensing Data
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