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Showing results to 121 to 130.

    South Carolina Assistance Benefits
    SOUTH CAROLINA DSS ADOPTIONASSISTANCE BENEFITS DSS will provide adoption assistance benefits to families who complete a public or private domestic adoption if the child meets the eligibility criteria. Depending on the typ...

    Pre-Placement Investigation Instructions for DSS children ONLY *note there is a difference for obtaining a home study for DSS children, as all family members who reside in the home must obtain medicals and they have to com...

    Responsible Father Registry
    The Responsible Father Registry gives a man who has fathered a child with a woman to whom he is not married to the right to be notified when an adoption or a termination of parental rights action occurs. Please see the Res...

    The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
    The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is a uniform law enacted by all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands, to ensure protection and services to children who are placed acros...

    Post Adoption Services
    Post Adoption Records Request If you were adopted through the South Carolina Foster Care System (DSS, The Children’s Bureau, etc) and are over the age of 21, you are eligible to request a copy of your finalized adoption re...

    Please check back for any upcoming announcements or events!

    State Office Adoptions Contacts Street Address:1535 Confederate AvenueOffice 520Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Mailing Address:South Carolina Department of Social ServicesP.O. Box 1520Columbia, SC 29202-1520Phone: 803-898-...

    For Health Care Providers
    Children and adolescents who enter foster care often have complicated and serious medical, mental health, developmental, oral health, and psychosocial problems that are rooted in their childhood history of abuse and neglec...

    TeleECHO Clinic Series: January-June 2021
    What is Project ECHO®? The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes, or ECHO model, was developed at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Centger and is now used nationwide in the United States and international...

    Daniel's Law - Safe Haven for Babies
    Daniel's Law Daniel's Law was signed into law in 2001 and is named for an infant boy who survived after being buried in a landfill in Allendale County soon after his birth. Nurses named him Daniel as he recovered at a hos...

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Child Welfare Services Transformation

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

Do you have a complaint regarding services being provided to a child by a state agency? Please submit your complaint by phone (1-800-206-1957) or an electronic submission form here with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy..