News Post

SCDSS Showcases Range of Services in New PSA Campaign


Contact: Will Batchelor

(803) 898-7835

 SCDSS Showcases Range of Services in New PSA Campaign

September 11, 2023- The South Carolina Department of Social Services (SCDSS) is rolling out a series of new public service announcements to educate South Carolinians on the wide range of services the agency offers. The :30 spots are currently running on multiple platforms statewide, including cable and broadcast television, social media, and streaming platforms.

The ads highlight the need for foster parents willing to care for teenagers as well as an overview of other services provided by the agency including adult protective services, food assistance and child care programs, and the collection and disbursement of child support. The agency’s greatest need remains foster homes willing to care for teenagers, sibling groups, and medically fragile children. To learn more about becoming a licensed foster parent in South Carolina, please visit Heartfelt Calling.

Other ads in the campaign highlight Daniel’s Law, the state’s Safe Haven for Abandoned Babies Act. This law, originally passed in 2001, provides a safe option to surrender an infant less than 60 days old at designated locations as defined by law. Since 2009, 63 babies have been safely surrendered in South Carolina under Daniel’s Law. More information on Daniel’s Law can be found here.

“Our mission is to promote safety, support well-being, secure safe and permanent homes for children and youth, and strengthen families,” said Michael Leach, DSS State Director. “Our more than 4,200 DSS professionals live out our agency’s mission every day with courage and compassion. We are excited to be able to showcase our services in the hope that we can reach more South Carolinians and to further educate the public on our program areas.”

The video ad highlighting the need for foster homes for teenagers can be viewed here. The video ad on DSS services can be seen here. The ads explaining Daniel’s Law can be watched here and here. Each of the messages will also air in Spanish.

The ads were filmed in June 2023 and produced by Coal Powered Film Works in collaboration with DSS. Real-life Lexington County EMS and Richland County Sheriff’s Department deputies participated in the production, along with DSS employees and actors.

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