News Post

November State Director’s Angle: Generate Energy!

November State Director’s Angle: Generate Energy!
By Michael Leach, DSS State Director

How is it November already? It seems like in some ways this calendar year has flown. Maybe because of the pandemic and the huge hands-on response this agency has provided to our clients and the public at large since March. I know I am constantly amazed by the work our DSS professionals are doing every day and going above and beyond to help children and families in need.

We know there is an immense amount of time and sacrifice that goes into caring for other children, families and adults in all program areas, and in order to do that very difficult job well, we know that our professionals have to feel supported.

One thing that cannot suffer, no matter how hard the task may be before us, is to let our energy level be dependent on those around us. I thought highlighting ‘energy’ would be a great Director’s Challenge for the month of November
because we each need a reminder that we ourselves are responsible for the energy we create and bring into a situation.

I hope you will join me and Generate Energy- for this agency, for our clients we serve, for system improvement, for each other!

If you want to be an influential and inspiring leader you need to bring energy to others, rather than wait for others or circumstances to bring energy to you. It is easy to be energized when things are going well. It takes courage and leadership to be energized and energize others unconditionally.

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