News Post

Infant Surrendered Safely Under Safe Haven Act



Contact: Marilyn M. Matheus



Infant Surrendered Safely

Under Safe Haven Act



December 10, 2019 - Medical professionals with the Anderson Area Women’s and Children’s Hospital recently accepted an infant surrendered under Daniel’s Law, The Safe Haven for Abandoned Babies Act. 


The bi-racial baby boy was born on November 26, 2019 and weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and measured 19.75 inches in length. Under the Safe Haven for Abandoned Babies Act, Anderson County DSS took custody of the child.


A permanency planning hearing is scheduled for January 9, 2020 at 11:00 am, at the Anderson County Courthouse, 100 S. Main Street, Anderson, SC 29624.





Editor’s note: A safe abandonment such as this is a perfect time to remind the public that the SC Safe Haven for Abandoned Babies Act provides a safe, legal option to abandonment. Visit for more information about the Safe Haven Act, or Daniel’s Law. For a listing of crisis pregnancy organizations see the brochure

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