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Governor Henry McMaster signs legislation to establish a Kinship Guardianship Program in South Carolina

Contact: Will Batchelor

Governor Henry McMaster signs legislation to establish a Kinship Guardianship Program in South Carolina

November 9, 2023- On Thursday, Governor Henry McMaster was joined by South Carolina Department of Social Services (SCDSS) Director Michael Leach, members of the General Assembly, non-profit leaders, and kinship caregivers for a ceremonial bill signing of S.380, a bill that allows DSS to create a Kinship Guardianship Program (KinGAP).

Kinship Guardianship is a judicially created relationship between a youth and a responsible adult that provides an exit to foster care as another permanency option when reunification with the youth’s parents or permanency through public adoption is not feasible.

"This law will further strengthen our foster care system by providing our children and their kin caregivers increased stability," said Governor Henry McMaster. "It is legislation like this that makes a true impact on the lives of our children and provides another path for children to exit the foster care system."

According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, South Carolina was just one of ten states that did not have a KinGAP program in place to offer this additional resource to caregivers. This program was created originally at the federal level by the passage of The Fos­ter­ing Tran­si­tions to Suc­cess and Increas­ing Adop­tions Act of 2008, which allowed states to draw down additional federal funds to support caregivers.

By adding this statute, sponsored by State Senator Katrina Shealy of Lexington County, into state law, South Carolina will now be able to draw down federal Title IV-E dollars to help fund this program.

The KinGAP program, which is set to roll out in South Carolina in early 2024, will mimic the state’s public adoption program and provide a permanent exit from foster care while providing needed monthly financial supports to caregivers to help meet the need for raising the youth exiting foster care until adulthood.

"Research confirms that children do best in kinship foster care and that family connections are critical to healthy child development, minimizing trauma, and strengthening a sense of belonging," said DSS State Director Michael Leach. "Kinship care also helps preserve children’s cultural identity and relationship to their community. The launch of the state’s KinGAP program will help provide additional financial assistance to licensed kinship caregivers, many of whom are retired or living on a fixed income, to care for a child while exiting foster care."

Expanding kinship care and support for licensed kinship caregivers remains a top priority of DSS. Currently, 25% of children in DSS custody are in a licensed kinship foster placement, a significant increase from 6% when Director Leach first came to the agency in April 2019. 

Prior to the passing of this legislation, South Carolina was one of just 10 states that did not have a KinGAP program in place.

For more information on Kinship Care in South Carolina, visit


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