News Post

DSS and Community Partners Recognize Elder Abuse Awareness Day in South Carolina

Contact: Danielle Jones & Will Batchelor
(803) 898-7602

DSS and Community Partners Recognize Elder Abuse Awareness Day in South Carolina

June 15, 2022- Governor Henry McMaster has declared Wednesday, June 15th as Elder Abuse Awareness Day in South Carolina. The day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the abuse and victimization of older adults in our society. Abuse can be physical and emotional. It can also be neglect or financial exploitation.

On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, people are encouraged to wear purple clothing or a purple ribbon. The color symbolizes the continuing problem of elder abuse around the world.


“We all deserve to lead a happy and healthy life free from abuse as we age, but our seniors are mistreated more often than we think. This day is a chance for all of us to come together to bring awareness to this problem to create change for our most vulnerable population,” said Michael Leach, DSS State Director. “The National Center on Elder Abuse estimates that 1 in 10 Americans age 60+ have experienced some form of abuse.”


On June 15th at 9 am, there will be a walk outside the DSS State Office at 1535 Confederate Avenue in Columbia to recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Media members are encouraged to attend. If a news outlet wishes to schedule an interview in conjunction with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, please email


“Elder abuse can have several physical and emotional effects on an older adult,” said Connie Munn, Director of the South Carolina Department on Aging. “The victims are many times fearful and anxious about self-reporting due to problems with trust. The South Carolina Department on Aging is committed to fighting elder abuse by utilizing a three-pronged approach by providing education on elder rights protection, providing nutrition services and an array of social supports, and providing advocacy and information to help deter elder abuse in both the community and long term care settings. “


To learn more about Adult Advocacy and Adult Protective Services at DSS and how to report the suspected Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult, please visit protective-services/.


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