What is SNAP?

SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), formerly known as Food Stamp benefits, provide low-income households with nutrition assistance by increasing the household's food purchasing power. Click here for more information.

What is an EBT card?

EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) is the method South Carolina uses to issue SNAP benefits.

How do I apply for SNAP benefits?

You may apply for SNAP benefits online, in person, by mail or fax. Please click the “How do I apply?” button below for more information about applying for SNAP benefits.

How do I apply?

What kind of income allows me to receive SNAP benefits?

In order to meet the income eligibility standards, a household’s gross monthly income cannot exceed 130% of the federal poverty level (see list below). Households which contain an elderly (age 60 or older) or disabled individual are subject to a net income limit of 100% of federal poverty level.

  • Household size- 1
    • Gross Monthly income - $1632
    • Net Monthly income - $1255
  • Household size- 2
    • Gross Monthly income - $2215
    • Net Monthly income - $1704
  • Household size- 3
    • Gross Monthly income - $2798
    • Net Monthly income - $2152
  • Household size- 4
    • Gross Monthly income - $3380
    • Net Monthly income - $2600
  • Household size- 5
    • Gross Monthly income - $3963
    • Net Monthly income - $3049
  • Household size- 6
    • Gross Monthly income - $4546
    • Net Monthly income - $3497
  • Household size- 7
    • Gross Monthly income - $5129
    • Net Monthly income - $3945
  • Household size- 8
    • Gross Monthly income - $5712
    • Net Monthly income - $4394
  • Each additional member
    • Gross Monthly income - $583
    • Net Monthly income - $449

How do I know if I qualify for emergency SNAP benefits?

You may qualify for expedited SNAP benefits (commonly referred to as emergency SNAP benefits) if your household’s gross monthly income is less than $150 and liquid resources (money in the bank; cash on hand) do not exceed $100; OR your household’s monthly gross income plus any cash that you have on hand or in the bank is less than your rent/mortgage and utilities; OR your SNAP household contains a migrant or seasonal farm worker who is considered destitute and the household’s liquid resources (money in the bank; cash on hand) do not exceed $100.

Can I receive SNAP benefits?

You must file an application to determine if you can receive SNAP benefits. However, if you meet any one of the following conditions, you are NOT eligible to receive SNAP benefits: ineligible non-citizens, ineligible students, individuals disqualified for noncompliance with work requirements, individuals disqualified due to an intentional program violation, and individuals who were convicted of a drug related felony after August 22, 1996. For a full listing of ineligible or disqualified individuals, or if you have a question regarding your SNAP eligibility or participation please contact any DSS county office.

What CAN I buy with SNAP benefits?

Households can purchase food such as breads and cereals, non-alcoholic beverages, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and more with SNAP benefits. For a full listing of SNAP eligible foods visit https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/eligible-food-items.

What CANNOT be purchased with SNAP benefits?

Households CANNOT purchase any alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or tobacco with SNAP benefits. In addition, households cannot purchase any non-food items, hot foods or food to be consumed in the store with SNAP benefits. For a full listing of SNAP ineligible foods and violations please visit https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/eligible-food-items.

What information needs to be submitted with my application and/or during my interview?

Your SNAP application should include as much information as possible related to your household’s monthly expenses and income. Your SNAP application should also include information for all members of your SNAP household. Including a current telephone number and email address may aid in the timely processing of your application. Examples of information that may need to be verified to determine eligibility for SNAP benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Identification of person applying and authorized representative. Examples include Driver’s License, State ID card, work or school ID, ID for health benefits.
  • Social Security Numbers for each family member for whom you are applying, both children and adults
  • Income: Examples include Pay stubs for the last four (4) weeks of work, most current tax return, Verification of the last four (4) weeks of child support, if receiving child support, copy of award letter for unemployment, Social Security, Retirement, etc.
  • Household Expenses: Examples include lease agreement, rent or mortgage payment receipts, or Utility bills.
  • Medical Expenses for anyone disabled or age 60 or older: Examples include medical bills, prescription co-pays, receipts for health insurance premiums, mileage to and from doctor appointments, etc.

The Agency will attempt to verify all information during the SNAP interview. The Agency may request additional information from the household if the information provided cannot be verified during the interview process.

Can I request a face-to-face interview?

Yes, you may request a face-to-face interview by contacting any DSS county office either by phone or in person.

How can I check the status of my SNAP application?

You may check the status of your filed SNAP application by creating an account on the DSS Benefits Portal (DSS Portals (sc.gov)). The DSS Benefits Portal can provide real-time status updates regarding your filed application via text messages and email notifications. Please allow up to 30 days for the processing of your filed application. You may also check the status of your filed application by calling the DSS Connect Call Center at 1-800-616-1309. Please have your SNAP case number available when you call. Your case number can be found on the top right-hand corner of every notice.

When are my SNAP benefits available?

If you have filed a new SNAP application, your SNAP benefits will be available the day following your case approval. If you have an ongoing SNAP case, your SNAP benefits are deposited on the same day of the month, every month, between the 1st and 19th.

Your SNAP benefit availability is based on the last digit of your case number: 1=11th, 2=2nd, 3=13th, 4=4th, 5=15th, 6=6th, 7=17th, 8=8th, 9=19th, 0=10th. If you have been receiving SNAP benefits prior to September 01, 2012 without an interruption in your SNAP benefits, your SNAP benefits will be available in correspondence with the last digit of your case number. For example: If your case number ends in 1, your benefits will be available on the 1st day of each month. If your case number ends in 2, your benefits will be available on the 2nd of each month. If your case number ends in 0, your benefits will be available on the 10th day of each month. You may set up a text alert via www.connectebt.com to inform you when your benefits are available.

How do I order a replacement EBT card?

You may order a replacement EBT card by logging into the EBT Client Portal located at EBT Connect Client Portal (connectebt.com), by downloading and logging into the Connect EBT mobile app, or by contacting the EBT Customer Call Center at 1-800-554-5268.

What are ABAWDs?

SNAP recipients aged 18-54 years old, who are Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDs) and who do not meet an exception to the ABAWD work requirement, must meet the work requirement by working, participating in a work program, or any combination of working or participating in a work program for 20 hours a week, averaged as 80 hours a month, or participating in and complying with a workfare program. 

The age range for this program was changed by the federal government on October 1, 2024. To learn more about the change, please click here.

What happens to my SNAP benefits if I don’t spend all of the benefits in a month?

Any SNAP benefits remaining on your EBT card at the end of the month will carry over (roll over) to the following month. After 9 months (274 days) of account inactivity, DSS will expunge all remaining SNAP benefits. A notice will be mailed to the SNAP household informing the household of the inactive SNAP EBT account and that benefits will be expunged in 45 days unless the household makes a purchase with their SNAP EBT card.

What should I do if I think someone is misusing their SNAP benefits?

To report suspected fraud (misuse of SNAP benefits), call 1-800-616-1309. You may report fraud anonymously.

My elderly/disabled parent/neighbor needs help with food. What can be done?

The Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) is a simplified version of SNAP and is designed for South Carolinians who are aged 60 years or older without earned income. The South Carolina Application Project (SCCAP) is a simplified version of SNAP and is designed for SSI eligible individuals without earned income and who either live alone or purchase and prepare meals separately if living with others. For more information on ESAP or SCCAP call 1-888-898-0055.

Do you have any resources that can help me with food, electricity, rental payments, etc.?

For assistance, DSS can make referrals to other agencies. Please contact any DSS office for additional information.

How do I know if I am potentially eligible to receive benefits?

If you would like to see whether or not you are potentially eligible for SNAP benefits, please access "Am I Eligible" on the DSS Benefits Portal.

Who can be included in my SNAP case?

  • A SNAP household may consist of an individual or a group of individuals who purchase food and prepare meals together.
  • Each eligible SNAP household member must be a United States citizen or meet non-citizen requirements.
  • A non-citizen is required to provide their United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documentation and the Agency must verify the validity of the provided documents through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program. The SAVE Program is a service that helps federal, state, and local benefit-issuing agencies, institutions, and licensing agencies determine the immigration status of benefit applicants so only those entitled to benefits receive them.

Who is prohibited from receiving SNAP benefits?

Some individuals are prohibited from receiving SNAP benefits. This includes individual who are:

  • Disqualified for failure to comply with work requirements;
  • Disqualified for an Intentional Program Violation (IPV) by intentionally making false statements, withholding information or committing an act that violates the Food and Nutrition Act, SNAP regulations or state law for the purpose of using, acquiring, presenting, transferring, receiving, possessing, or trafficking of SNAP benefits or authorization cards used as part of an automated benefit delivery system;
  • Disqualified for failure to provide a Social Security number;
  • Ineligible non-citizens who do not meet non-citizen requirements. (Undocumented non-citizens and unaccompanied minor children are not Qualified Non-Citizens because they have not been issued the required USCIS documents and, therefore, they cannot be verified through SAVE);
  • Ineligible because of a drug-related conviction after August 22, 1996;
  • Fleeing felons; and Probation or Parole violators;
  • Residents of institutions;
  • Students attending an institution of higher education at least half time, unless they meet a student eligibility exemption criteria;
  • An ineligible ABAWD (Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents) due to the time limit; 
  • Disqualified due to failure without good cause to cooperate with TANF work requirements; OR
  • Ineligible due to being convicted of certain crimes and are out of compliance with the terms of their sentence.

Am I allowed to have resources?

The maximum allowable financial resources, including both liquid and non-liquid assets, of all members of the household cannot exceed $3000 for the household. For households including one or more disabled members or members aged 60 or over, such resources cannot exceed $4500.

Is there a limit to how long I can receive SNAP benefits?

SNAP benefits are limited to a maximum of 3 months in a 36-month period for individuals aged 18 – 54, who are able-bodied and do not have dependents, unless they meet an exception to the ABAWD work requirement or meet the ABAWD work requirement (engaged in 80 hours of work activity per month).

What deductions are allowed when my SNAP budget is calculated?

The following expense deductions are allowed if the household is under the federal income guidelines:

  • Child Support Deduction
  • Dependent Care Deduction
  • Earned Income Deduction
  • Medical Deduction in excess of $35 for SNAP household members who are elderly (age 60 or older) or disabled
  • Shelter Costs Deduction
  • Utility Allowance
  • Standard Deduction

How do I file a complaint of discrimination?

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027), found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form.

To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866)632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D. C. 20250-9410

Fax: (202) 690-7442

email: program.intake@usda.gov

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

You may also file a complaint of discrimination by contacting DSS in writing: DSS Office of Civil Rights, P. O. Box 1520 Columbia, S.C. 29202-1520 or by calling toll free: 1-800-311-7220 or locally: (803) 898-8080 or TTY: (800) 311-7219.

What are my rights if I do not agree with the decision on my case?

You have the right to request a fair hearing. You may request a fair hearing related to SNAP case actions which have occurred within the past 90 days if you dispute your current level of SNAP benefits. To request a fair hearing call toll free: 1-800-311-7220 or locally: (803) 898-8080 or TTY: (800) 311-7219.

How can I register to vote?

You can register to vote by visiting www.scvotes.org or by visiting any DSS county office for assistance.

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